I'm joining in on a project created by JellyBean Pictures. The group can be found here https://www.facebook.com/
I knew I would fail miserably at any attempts of a 365 or 52 week photo project because like the creator of this project I too don't like constraints of deadlines or being told what to shoot. It feels too much like being back in school and having my photography professor give me shoot lists...man I hated those. This project has no set time frame, no specific topics or lists. I post things that make me personally grateful in my life.
I will do a monthly blog post and then a collaborative one at the end of the year.
Here is to staying humble and grateful for what blessings I have in 2014. Enjoy!!
{Gratful} for family playtime....after Aaron being on nights for a year we truly enjoy and appreciate being on the same schedule again.
{Gratful} that my children are able to create memories at Nana's
house too. My most treasured childhood memories were made there. It's a
magical place.
{Gratful} for her rosy cheeked satisfaction once the snow play was through
{Gratful} for watching him exploring the simple magic of everyday things. Like the fact that the refrigerator has a light switch.
{Gratful} that after
missing a week of school she came home today and sat and did all of her
make up work. I'm grateful we are back on our schedule. 

That's one fierce coloring face right there.
I'm not the kind of Mom who constantly chases my kids around with wet rags to wipe their faces. Being a kid is messy. I love that I captured this. It's just so him....messy face and all.
...and this folks is the look I get from kids when they try to see what's inside my lens lol.
{Grateful} for the bond they have and how much they enjoy each others company.
{Grateful} for her growing independence. She has struggled with the constant want
for someone else to help her. Preschool is helping her learn that she
can do many things on her own if she just tries.
{Grateful} for a few foggy days to break up all the snow. I really love fog. So mysterious.
{Grateful} for the little things. This day in particular it was this little Elmo medicine dispenser that magically made medicine seem less threatening to my toddler so he would gladly take it.
{Grateful} that
two small fish were able to bring these two so much happiness and
wonder. Ava has been dealing with a lot and hasn't felt herself in
weeks. She has handled various tests and ailments with grace. Hayden
is finally overcoming a cold and it just made my heart so happy to be
able to bring them joy.
This photo is SOOC shot is a completely dark room with the only light source being the little blue LED lights inside the tank. Settings were {1/250, f1.8, ISO 1600, 35mm lens}
This photo is SOOC shot is a completely dark room with the only light source being the little blue LED lights inside the tank. Settings were {1/250, f1.8, ISO 1600, 35mm lens}
{Grateful} to be inside watching all the snow fall.
{Grateful} that this little man finally made it beyond the garage. The wind is strong around the house making it hard to enjoy the snow. We made it to the far side of the house and hid from the wind with the house as our shield.
{Grateful} for forts and their ability to distract and entertain my kids when we have yet another snow day and I desperately need to get laundry done.
Lately this is the face/pose I get when the camera comes out. She throws her arms out wide and closes her eyes. She won't open them for anything either.
I just couldn't help but photograph the awesomeness of the static...
...from each...
...and every angle.
{Grateful} that he is such a happy kid.
A few more personal shares that I took for documentation purposes. That is my biggest goal this year. Document these two kiddos. I laid on the floor with the camera on the floor in front of me and just snapped as they ran around me.
Seriously {Grateful} for little feet....
...and hands.

Purposefully blurry because many days as I focus at my laptop working on editing or other business tasks this is what I see all around. The blur of color and laughter.

Trying to help Ava finish her tower before little man knocks it down.
{Gratful} that these two love to help as much as they do. They love laundry which is great because I loath it. These days I just have to get it to the laundry room and supervise the sorting. They will gladly load and unload. Hopefully they will enjoy folding and putting away soon too haha. A Mom can dream.
The photo below was featured on the Project Gratitude Facebook Group and for that I am very honored and {Grateful}

Now on to February!!!
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